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Adding quotes to a persona

After creating a persona, you can add quotes from real people, from one or more of your audiences. Why would you want to do that?

In fact, this prepares the validation of your ideas. You add real people from Twitter so that your fictitious user persona will have to represent them.


Later, you will be able to invite the real people to surveys or interviews โ€“ to get feedback from them about whether your assumptions in the persona were correct or not.

How to quote a tweep in a persona#

"Tweep" is the short form for "person on Twitter". To add them to a persona, take these steps here:

  1. Open an audience that you have (use Audiences and click on one audience)
  2. Search for good quotes to add. Here we have clicked on the keyword difficult where people talk about problems with SEO
  3. Click on the little icon below each tweet, and a grey area with your existing personas opens up
  4. Click on a persona's fake profile image (e.g. Jim Blogger), to attribute this tweet to them, as a quote:

Adding a quote to a persona

When you have collected enough quotes, go back to your persona's page, to have a look at the collected quotes:

  1. Click on Personas
  2. Find the name of your persona (e.g. Jim Blogger) and click on it
  3. You see the persona and their quotes from real people, if you scroll down a little:

In this case, I have made a mistake: I attributed a quote from an SEO professional to Jim Blogger, whom I want to describe as having "only limited SEO skills".

Persona with quote


Make sure that the tweets that you add as quotes really underline the point that you want to make with your persona.